Beauty Products
Beauty Products
Basic Functions of Management.
What are our plans?
Forecasting is a planning tool that helps management in its attempts, to cope with uncertainty in the future, relying mainly on data from the past and present, and analysis of trends. Forecasting starts with certain assumptions based on the management’s experience, knowledge and judgement. This tool will help us to decision making in the different functional areas as statistics and trends are a great help to consider what might happen in the future.
Schezza, as any other company, have to forecast itself to be an effective firm in the industry. Forecasting is a useful tool because it helps us to study our customer preferences, study the monetary trends, react effectively to the environment’s changes, rid the great uncertainty situations, plan strategies to ensure the company’s success, reduce the inventories and improve the coordination between the different processes inside the firm.
Every company has short term objectives that help a firm to reach the Long Term Objectives. Schezza’s short term objectives are:
Be competitive in the Industry, always having in clear that our principal competitors, are the ones that are also emerging.
Try to create loyal customers, because new customers are more expensive that loyal ones
Develop a distribution strategy
This objectives can be defined as the biggest goals a company wants to reach in more than four years. Schezza’s long term objectives are:
Expand our operations to the principal cities of the country such as: Bogota, Barranquilla, Medellin, Cali and Cartagena.
Be one of the 10 leaders of the cosmetic industry in our operating areas.
Schezza Colombia is a compromised organization with the environment, we want to develop products with non contaminating raw materials.
In Schezza Colombia, the client is the most important person in the organization, so we offer a personalized attention to each customer.
Each employee in Schezza Colombia, have to be able to develop any situation in the organization’s activities and solve any doubt that the customer have, our employees must be empowered and autonomous for develop an excellent job.
Our final objective in Schezza Colombia is the complete satisfaction of the customer.
In Schezza Colombia the values such as loyalty, competitiveness and respect for all the stakeholders.
What do my customers look in my product?
They look at quality of the products , innovation and Price.
Why customers visit our Brand?
Its a emergent Brand that give customers exactly what they require that gives customers the confiability on quality and axequible Price with the product.
What does our competition?
Our competition just sell the product like one more and didnt créate value into the customer
What schezza its better tan the competition?
Schezza créate a relation with the customer given to them what they deman and requards its a innovation Brand with quality and axequible prices.
Where are our potential customers?
Our product its based to womens because are beauty product
women are complicated choosing what they want because its dificult satisfy their wishes so our strength its that women participate in the production of their products.
Image: It is a product that provides a status that is esceptional and unique and give a diferent experience to the customers because participate in the process creating their own product.
Cannel: coverage in distribution channels .
How are we organized?
Job Descriptions:
Is important for every organization to have a specialized description of the tasks that each employee develop.
Organizational Tasks Chart:
This chart shows the different tasks developed in the organization, daily, weekly, monthly, semestral and yearly
Compromised with our Employees Comfort
In Schezza we are compromised with our employees comfort. We want them to feel happy making what they make.
These are some of the ways we use to motivate our employees:
Placing each person in
the right job -
Providing adequate tools to perform the tasks
Say our expectations to all the employees
Recognize frequently their good job
Providing a respectful treatment to all our employees
Give autonomy and empowerment
Offering growth opportunities
Allowing flexible schedules
Respecting their time
Giving s free day when a employee has been recognized by their job twice