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The resource based view

The RBV focus on the competitive advantage of each organization. Contends that internal resources are more important for a company rather than external factors in acquiring and complement a competitive advantage. The RBV view contend that organizational performance will primarily be determined by internal resources that can be grouped:


Physical Resources: Schezza colombia counts with different physical resources like our location, which includes our sales point an our development center, for the production of our products, our furniture, plant and equipment in the two parts of our location, also we have the raw materials for develop our products.


Human Resources: The human resources for schezza colombia, includes all employees in the organization. We count with a general manager who is in charge to lead and coordinate all the activities in the organization, the production, research and development manager, who develop strategies in the design of the products, the development center employee who is in charge of the production of the products and finally we count with an external accountant who carries on the accountability of our organization. 


Organizational Resources: Schezza colombia counts with multiple organizational resources such as an appropiate organizational structure for a small company, as well we have different processes in diferent functional areas, like the planning, marketing, production and staffing processes. Also we count with different job descriptions and a task chart that organize the activities in our organization.

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